HTML to BBCode Converter (v 1.25)

Paste HTML code in textbox and press the button and all the code that can be converted to BBCode will be displayed. HTML code that cannot be converted will be removed. You can also select the options below to convert to vBulletin Code, SMF (Simple Machines Forum) Code, or IPB (Invision Power Board) Code.

BBCode vB Code SMF Code IPB Code

Copyright © DynaWeb Designs, Original by Jeff Baker

Conversion Process

How the above HTML to BBCode Converter works...

Any HTML tags that are not listed in the table below are stripped out of the text. HTML tags listed below are converted to the equivalent BBCode, vB Code, or SMF Code, depending on your settings.

This table shows how each tag is converted:

HTML Tag Converts to:
BBCode vB Code SMF Code IPB Code
<BR> or <BR /> Carriage Return Carriage Return Carriage Return Carriage Return
<P> 2 Carriage Returns 2 Carriage Returns 2 Carriage Returns 2 Carriage Returns
<BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> [quote][/quote] [quote][/quote] [quote][/quote] [quote][/quote]
<UL></UL> [list][/list] [list][/list] [list][/list] [list][/list]
<OL></OL> [list=1][/list] [list=1][/list] [list][/list] [list=1][/list]
<LI> [*] [*] [*] [*]
<IMG SRC="pic.jpg"> [img]pic.jpg[/img] [img]pic.jpg[/img] [img]pic.jpg[/img] [img]pic.jpg[/img]
<A HREF="">Web Page</A> [url=]Web Page[/url] [url=]Web Page[/url] [url=]Web Page[/url] [url=]Web Page[/url]
<A HREF="">Email me</A> []Email me[/email] []Email me[/email] []Email me[/email]
<BIG></BIG> [b][/b] [b][/b] [b][/b] [b][/b]
<B></B> [b][/b] [b][/b] [b][/b] [b][/b]
<U></U> [u][/u] [u][/u] [u][/u] [u][/u]
<I></I> [i][/i] [i][/i] [i][/i] [i][/i]
<FONT FACE="arial"></FONT>
[font=arial][/font] [font=arial][/font] [font=arial][/font]
<FONT COLOR="red"></FONT>; [color=red][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][/color]
<FONT SIZE="5"></FONT> [size=5][/size] [size=5][/size] [size=5][/size] [size=5][/size]
<FONT FACE="arial" COLOR="red" SIZE="5"></FONT> [color=blue][size=5]
<STRONG></STRONG> [b][/b] [highlight][/highlight] [b][/b] [b][/b]
(Note: All code within textarea is not converted.)
[code][/code] [code][/code]
or [html][/html]
or [php][/php]
or [php][/php]
or [html][/html]
or [php][/php]
or [xml][/xml]
or [sql][/sql]
(Note: All code within script is not converted.)
[code][/code] [code][/code]
or [html][/html]
or [php][/php]
or [php][/php]
or [html][/html]
or [php][/php]
or [xml][/xml]
or [sql][/sql]
<PRE></PRE> [code][/code] [code][/code] [pre][/pre] [code][/code]
[left][/left] [left][/left] [left][/left]
[center][/center] [center][/center] [center][/center]
[right][/right] [right][/right] [right][/right]

[s][/s] [s][/s]


[hr] [hr]
<object width="320" height="240">
<param name="movie" value="flash.swf">
<embed src="flash.swf" width="320" height="240">

[flash=320,240]flash.swf[/flash] [flash=320,240]flash.swf[/flash]

(Note: It seems that SMF cannot handle nested tables.)

<TR></TR> Carriage Return Carriage Return [tr][/tr] Carriage Return
<TD></TD> (Space) (Space) [td][/td] (Space)
<TH></TH> (Space) (Space) [td][/td] (Space)

[sup][/sup] [sup][/sup]

[sub][/sub] [sub][/sub]

<ABBR TITLE="World Wide Web">WWW</ABBR>

[acronym=World Wide Web]WWW[/acronym]

[acronym=World Wide Web]WWW[/acronym]